The government of Canada introduced a new program delivery update for Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) eligibility requirements on January 10, 2022.
Under the new instructions for a PGWP, an applicant must submit documentation that proves the leave they took (if any) during their studies was authorized by their designated learning institution (DLI). If needed, officers may request additional documents to complete their assessment.
For applicants to obtain post-gradua tion work permits, they must currently hold valid temporary status or have left Canada. They must also have graduated from an eligible designated learning institution (DLI).
An applicant for a post-graduation work permit must also meet one of the following criteria within 180 days of the application date:
hold a valid study permit
held a study permit
were authorized to study in Canada without the requirement to obtain a study permit under paragraphs 188(1)(a) and (b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
Note that an applicant is responsible for ensuring that the information provided is accurate. The applicant may also provide an official transcript issued by their DLI if available. If not, an applicant may also provide a transcript copy from their DLI’s website.
As part of their post-graduation work permit application, students must maintain their full-time student status for each academic session of the program or programs of study they complete.