Newfoundland and Labrador is planning to offer more settlement services to newcomers.
According to the Immigration, Population Growth and Skills Minister, Gerry Byrne, “last year, settlement and integration projects provided free legal information, career and entrepreneurship training, increased rural integration, and many more benefits for newcomers.”
The provincial Immigration Minister also mentioned the close work with partner organizations, which provide better support across the province and called for proposals to improve the labour market in the province. Newfoundland and Labrador also will recognize immigrants’ foreign credentials to help them easily integrate into the province.
The Association for New Canadians (ANC) offers settlement supports to Permanent Residents throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. They assist immigrants in identifying settlement goals and provide assistance with accessing and/or understanding various aspects of Canadian life, such as:
Personal health and the Canadian health care system
Community supports and programs
Federal and Provincial services and programs
Family life in Canada
Banking and budgeting
Laws, rights, and responsibilities in Canada
Canadian school system
Mental health and addiction services
Navigating public transit routes