Canadian educational institutions offer post-secondary or training programs to Afghan refugees.
Refugees who want to attend Canadian educational institutions receive aid in some communities on their tuition, living expenses, books, and even laptop computers and tablets.
Immigration Minister Sean Fraser tweeted that
“to help provide Afghan refugees with the skills to succeed, our country’s colleges and universities are helping break down financial barriers faced by many Afghan newcomers.”
The government of Canada aims to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan nationals as quickly and safely as possible. Canada has now welcomed about 8,580 Afghan refugees, with more arriving each week.
Canada continues to play a vital role in welcoming Afghan immigrants, and educational institutions are providing valuable career training programs for these newcomers. A new tuition bursary program for refugees was launched by CDI College in February 2022. In addition to providing language training and job placement services after graduation, the bursary offers a 25% tuition rebate.
Some of the examples of educational supports for Afghan newcomers include:
Western University in London, Ontario, created new scholarships for Afghan students that will cover tuition, fees, and living expenses of up to $100,000 over four years of study
Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, developed a new scholarship program to offer free tuition for five students from Afghanistan, etc
Canada's labour shortages are also eased by newcomers by filling key vacancies, and will help spur the nation's economic recovery after the pandemic.